My future job

Hello! At a certain point in our lives we all need to start working, and as I've said in previous posts I'm studying psychology, but how will my work be when working as a psychologist?

Well, this job being with one person or a group of people makes it indoors. This favors the way in wich the work happens, allowing me to develop things in a particular way, especially in cases in wich it's necessary to work with an 'in-depth therapy'. And even though this is not a travel-friendly job, it's very satisfying when you can see the results in people, making the effort and the few possibilities of travel worth it.

If we talk about the salary that psychologists earn in Chile, I think it is something quite variable, although to be honest it's something I don't want to think about right now. This is because what has brought me to study psychology is not the salary, it's the way in wich I can work and help people at the same time.

So, just as for me it was more important what I was going to do at the time of work, I call on you when you have to decide on which major or university degree to take, you do it because you really like it. The most important thing will always be to do what you like, what you love.

Work will stop being just work when you are doing what you like to do the most!


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